What To See
Nantou Culture
There are 5 indigenous tribes in Nantou: Bunun, Atayal, Saidiq, Thao and Tasou. Every tribe has their own distinct culture, language, and customs.
Blessed by wonderful natural resources, all leisure farms in Nantou have their own distinct characteristics, offer the best agriculture travel experience for travelers.
Hakka Culture
Explore Hakkanese’s rich heritage, historical attractions, and their perseverance spirits.
Temples are everywhere in Nantou’s, mixed with both Chinese culture and Taiwanese folk beliefs. Participating a local religious event to experience the authentic local culture in Nantou.
The four seasons of Nantou are quite distinct. Of course, nature will not disappoint this treasure. No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, there are always colorful flowers blooming freely
There are 5 indigenous tribes in Nantou: Bunun, Atayal, Saidiq, Thao and Tasou. Every tribe has their own distinct culture, language, and customs.
Blessed by wonderful natural resources, all leisure farms in Nantou have their own distinct characteristics, offer the best agriculture travel experience for travelers.